Thursday, August 16, 2012

H&M pre-opening VIP party in Centumcity

It's been a week or two ago since H&M opened in Centumcity (S. Korea)
I was invited to the pre-opening VIP party on Wed. (prior to official one opens on Fri.)

센텀시티에 H&M이 오픈한 소식 많이 들으셨을텐데요
몇주전이었는데 포스팅을 이제야 하네요
금요일이 공식오픈이었는데 그 주 수요일날 프리오프닝 VIP 파티가 있었습니다

the party started from 6-10 PM
but the location is inside the world's biggest department store ( in Guinness World Records)
that's why every floor was filled up with crowds going wow over the red carpet
set for invited celebrities

파티는 4시간동안 (6-10시) 진행되었는데요
초대받은 셀레브리티 게스트들을 위한 레드카펫도 깔려있다보니
백화점안은 시끌벅적 했었답니다

3rd floor was for MEN
4th floor for KIDS & WOMEN

3층은 멘 4층은 키즈와 여성복으로 이루어져있었어요

outfit details

H&M dress
CHANEL wedge

cute fruits mini bowl including cherries and grapes

체리와 포도가 담긴 귀여운 미니 프룻볼

one of the guest Min-Jun Kim
actor and DJ of the event

배우이자 이날 행사에 DJ 를 맡으신 김민준씨

thank you gift for the VIPs was

감사 선물이 뭘까 열어봤더니

a pouch
me and my brother are both thinking of using this as a pencil case for upcoming semester

저랑 동생은 둘다 보자마자 필통으로 쓰기로 마음먹었다는

this special day we got 25% off the entire purchase
who wouldn't love this opportunity right?
so we ended up getting lots of menswear, womenswear, & bags

and since the opening here, I stop by anytime I get a chance and bought even more items
going crazy in my closet
so as of right now these are some of the favorite clutches I got!
hope you enjoyed this post :)

이날은 전체금액 25% 할인도 받았어서 더욱 기분이 좋았어요
남성 여성복 가방들 모두 많이 득템해왔는데요 ㅎ

공식 오프닝 이후에도 시간 될때마다 자주 들려서 산 아이템들이 많아요
다 찍기는 좀 그렇고 ^^; 마음에 들어서 구입한 클러치들 우선 보여드릴게요
다들 해피 위크 ! 되시길~


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