can you believe that this earrings was from H&M? (with Anna Dello Russo's collaboration)
and it was 35,000 Korean won (probably around 30 bucks)
보여드리고 싶었던 안나델로루쏘와 H&M 의 콜라보 이어링이에요
the rest of the look:
BULGARI sunglasses
H&M X Anna Dello Russo earrings
MIU MIU jeans
SAL Y LIMON bangles
this was one of the day during Busan International Film Festival (BIFF)
비프 (부산국제영화제) 때 찍었던 사진들인데요
to support Dongho who got a main role in a movie called
"Don't Cry Mommy"
this day was the second day of the premiere
please send him a lot of supports & love :)
동호가 돈크라이마미 주연으로 나와요 ^^ ㅎㅎ
많이 응원해주시길
also wanted to show you closer look of the Sal Y Limon bangles I was wearing above
위에 제가 착용하고 있는 뱅글을 더 자세히 보여드릴게요
ready to sparkle day or night
밤낮상관없이 블링블링~
this is the heart shaped one I wore in the outfit
이 하트문양이 제가 착용하고 있던 아이구요~
and the butterfly
아이보리빛 나비문양까지~
공식 사이트를 방문하시면
지금 이 뱅글들 모두 가을겨울컬렉션에서 나온 디자인들인데
더 다양한 컬렉션들이 있으니 구경해보세요 ^^
they are all from the F/W collection
visit for more looks :)