Sunday, October 28, 2012

savvy fashionista

can you believe that this earrings was from H&M? (with Anna Dello Russo's collaboration)
and it was 35,000 Korean won (probably around 30 bucks)

보여드리고 싶었던 안나델로루쏘와 H&M 의 콜라보 이어링이에요

the rest of the look:

BULGARI sunglasses
H&M X Anna Dello Russo earrings
MIU MIU jeans
SAL Y LIMON bangles

this was one of the day during Busan International Film Festival (BIFF)

비프 (부산국제영화제) 때 찍었던 사진들인데요

to support Dongho who got a main role in a movie called
"Don't Cry Mommy"
this day was the second day of the premiere
please send him a lot of supports & love :)

동호가 돈크라이마미 주연으로 나와요 ^^ ㅎㅎ
많이 응원해주시길

also wanted to show you closer look of the Sal Y Limon bangles I was wearing above
위에 제가 착용하고 있는 뱅글을 더 자세히 보여드릴게요

ready to sparkle day or night
밤낮상관없이 블링블링~

this is the heart shaped one I wore in the outfit
이 하트문양이 제가 착용하고 있던 아이구요~

and the butterfly

아이보리빛 나비문양까지~
공식 사이트를 방문하시면
지금 이 뱅글들 모두 가을겨울컬렉션에서 나온 디자인들인데
더 다양한 컬렉션들이 있으니 구경해보세요 ^^

they are all from the F/W collection
visit for more looks :)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

H&M * Anna Dello Russo collaboration

It's been awhile yes I know
but I think I forgot to show you my purchases of AdR collection @ H&M
I already showed them up at my instagram account

but here you go

안나델로루쏘 와 콜라보레이션 했던 H&M
인스타그램에는 올렸었는데
블로그는 깜빡하고 아직까지 포스팅을 못했었네요

I got the bag and the earrings

가방과 원하던 에메랄드 빛 귀걸이 득템했어요

I love the gold details on the bag
but it's super light
so I don't think you can put a lot of heavy stuffs
instead just shape it up with scarves inside and few of your must-haves
(cell, wallet, lipstick and etc.)

디테일적인 요소는 금장식이 마음에 들어요
근데 정말 가벼운 가방이라서 무거운걸 많이 들고 다니기엔
적합하진 않아요
딱 필요한 몇 아이템들만 챙기고 다니는 중입니다
(스카프로 부피도 채우고요 ㅎㅎ)

the size is big and some might think it's suitable for the parties only
but I wore it on the day just fine
though the occasion was the season of movie festival ;)
will show you those looks in the later post

파티에 적합한 이어링이라 낮에는 부담스럽다고 생각하시는 분들이 있는데
저는 워낙 일상에서도 큰 귀걸이들을 선호해서
비록 비프 (부산국제영화제) 기간이였긴 하지만
데이룩으로 역시나 연출했었습니다
나중에 포스팅 올릴게요~

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Interview with CJ FREE JEWELRY

MICHELLE: When did you launch  your collection?

CJ FREE: 2008

컬렉션은 언제 론칭하셨나요?


If you were to choose three words that best describe CJ Free,
then what would you choose?

timeless, beads, charitable

3단어로 컬렉션을 설명해주신다면
어떤 단어들을 선택하시겠어요?

-영원한, 비즈, 자선의

How do you imagine your customer's image like?

very diverse- something for everyone!

고객들의 이미지는 어떻게 상상하시나요?

-다양하다고 생각해요
누구에게든 어울리고 꼭맞는 제품이 한가지씩 있다는 믿음

Do you have any fashion philosophy?

Less is more except with regard to accessories

패션 철학이 있으신가요?

-악세사리 외에는 덜함이 (빼는 것) 더 좋다고 생각합니다

Lastly message to the readers:

CJ Free mixes well with all of your favorite brands.
From streetwear to couture.
You can wear our luck bracelets on your wrist, ankle or even on your keychain.
Be creative and have fun!

- CJ Free는 여러분들이 좋아하시는 브랜드와도 잘 어울릴거에요.
스트릿스타일이든 꾸띄르든 말이죠
우리의 luck bracelet은 예를 들어서 팔목에도
발목 또는 키체인에도 잘 어울린답니다
재미있게 창의적인 방법으로 스타일링 해보세요!

images credit to:


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