Tuesday, February 26, 2013


my first e-book is launched :)
so far I think it's only available for Korean readers
(though I have both original English version & translated underneath in each pages)
I am grateful for the fact that the first one is finally out

I'd been working on this for months and months
and if you are avid reader of pinklemonincrystal
then you probably know that I had been interviewing designers
for this blog, features on neighbor magazine, for 1stlook magazine's blog and so on...

I hope I can continue on loving and working on every opportunities I get


첫번째 ebook 이 탄생하였습니다 :)

7 브랜드/디자이너들과의 공통된 주제로
짧은 인터뷰들을 엮어 만들어 내었는데요
아직 부족한 점이 많지만
저의 첫번째 이북 축하해주셨으면 좋겠습니다
많은 관심 부탁드립니다~!


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