all women love sparkly pieces
especially if they are true work of arts in bags we carry to special occasions
today's interview is with Sylvia Toledano
이번 포스팅은 특별한 날 들기에 완벽한 쥬얼리와 백들을 선보이는
Sylvia Toledano와의 인터뷰입니다 :)
When did Sylvia Toledano collection launched?
How did it all begin?
I began my bag collection at the begining of 2008. I wanted to create minaudieres but not in a classical way, with a twist , décalées and edgy. That' s why I made mines with my original designs because I didn' t found it at this time. I work with Swarovsky Elements crystals, because they have a lot of colors and I can paint with them for my designs like on a canvas.( I was painter!)
Last year I created my jewel collection with golden brass and semi-precious stones , like: malachite, tiger eyes ,turquoise..., that I found in Jaipur. I began with a little collection of cuffs but now I have more and more pieces and I can't stop to create, I love so much the colors of gold and stones!
Last year I created my jewel collection with golden brass and semi-precious stones , like: malachite, tiger eyes ,turquoise..., that I found in Jaipur. I began with a little collection of cuffs but now I have more and more pieces and I can't stop to create, I love so much the colors of gold and stones!
Sylvia Toledano 컬렉션은 언제 론칭하였나요?
2008년에 가방 컬렉션들을 선보였습니다.
작은 화장품통들을 클래식하지만은 않은 엣지있게 변형시키고 싶었어요.
그런 디자인들을 볼 수 없었기에 제가 직접 만들고 싶었죠.
저는 스와로브스키 크리스털을 사용해요.
다양한 컬러들이 있어서 제 디자인이 마치 캔버스에 페인트칠 하듯 고를 수 있죠
(저는 화가였어요!)
작년에 저의 쥬얼리 컬렉션을 자이푸르에서 찾은 호안석, 터키석, 공작석 등으로 만들었어요.
커프스들로 시작했는데 더 많은 쥬얼리들이 탄생했어요.
저는 골드와 스톤들의 색감이 너무 좋아서 만드는걸 멈출수가 없어요!
3 words to describe Sylvia Toledano?
Artistic, Couture, Edgy
3단어로 Sylvia Toledano를 표현한다면요?
예술적인, 꾸뛰르, 엣지
Do you have a fashion philosophy?
My fashion philosophy is: "less is more" and "more is more",
it's freedom!!!
패션 철학이 있으신가요?
덜해도 좋고, 더해도 좋아요
패션은 자유니까요!
How do you imagine your customer like?
I imagine my customer original artist who likes something different,
with a lot of personality and elegance.
고객들의 이미지를 어떻게 상상하시나요?
우아하고 독창적인 예술가로 무언가 다르기를 바랄 거 같아요.
Message to readers @pinklemonincrystal?
Play with fashion.
It's all fun, pleasure.
You are the fashion actor, never a fashion victim.
Confidence and happiness are the only way to make a woman beautiful!
읽고 계신 팔로워들께 한마디 해주세요
패션을 즐기세요.
당신은 패션 액터 (연기자) 이지, 절대로 패션의 희생자가 아닙니다.
자신감과 행복만이 여성을 아름답게 만들 수 있어요!
all photos credit to: